Winter's Tale," which opened last weekend, is one of Shakespeare's late
romances, a particularly apt example of the 'romance' genre: a tale that moves
from apparent tragedy to a redemption that may stretch credibility but
satisfies the deeper yearnings of human heart.
Leontes, played by company director Neil McGarry of Marshfield, an actor who
once again shows himself capable of commanding attention in any role, really has no claim on our
sympathies except that he's a human being. A standard Shakespearean monarch capable of
turning tyrant in a flash, his wholly unmotivated jealousy destroys the life of
his blameless queen -- a la Othello, only he doesn't have the excuse of being
corrupted by an Iago-figure. Somehow in an instant, like catching a fatal infection
while out for a morning walk, he manages to corrupt himself by groundless self-feeding suspicion. The same disease of the mind convinces him that his newborn daughter
is not his own child, so he has the infant exposed in a barren place.
But romance
is a literary opening to fairy tale and draws on the deep primal tuning to
wonder and marvel that hooks us in children's literature, at least those tales that have a happy ending. In fact in Shakespeare's time that's what "a
winter tale" meant: a tall story.
Perdita (the name means "lost one") is carried to the wild country of Bohemia, a
real name given to a stage creation, by a kindly courtier, who is eaten by a
bear for his troubles. (No romance there.) Raised by simple shepherds, the girl
has a natural grace and genuineness that charms a prince, who for some reason is
hiding from his father.
Part of the
unstated metaphysics in romance is that an 'unspoiled' upbringing can cleanse the
corruptions of the hothouse atmosphere of life at court. It's Cinderella the prince wants; not the pampered sisters. Similarly, if you're
depressed in London, go spend some time in the forest of Arden -- well, actually the plot of another play, "As You Like It," but something similar is going
on in this tale. There's a disease in the king's mind; perhaps power really
does corrupt. And the pastoral folk of Perdita's upbringing -- even the truly
simple-minded rubes whose "cozening" by the complacent hustler-clown
Autolycus Shakespeare invites the audience to enjoy -- somehow help restore the
It's the
'return' of Perdita, the lost child, to Leontes's court that restores
'truth and natural goodness' to this world. For me, the high point of Bay Colony's
production is observing McGarry transform himself into a sufficiently withered and
guilt-haunted Leontes -- as if the theatrical 16 years' passage the plot calls for has
magically taken place while the audience was chatting at intermission -- in
order to enable the impact of 'bad transformed to good' to register fully on his
character. In McGarry's hands Leontes is not just an example of regal folly;
he's a suffering human being.
The cast is
uniformly strong. Poornima Kirby, who played opposite McGarry in the company's
"Much Ado About Nothing" last year, is equally convincing as the wronged queen
Hermione. Erica Simpson, another young veteran, who was the dark Lady Mac in
the company's "MacBeth" last summer, hits the right note in a
diametrically opposite role as the saving-grace Perdita. Meredith Stypinski,
who stepped into a crucial role at the last moment, is a strong Paulina -- the
woman who speaks truth to power. Cam Torres has a paunchy swagger as the
gleeful conman Autolycus.
Winter's Tale" can be somewhat harder to follow than the more popular
comedies. Audiences who know "Much Ado" from the popular film may not
have seen a production of "Tale," in a theater or on screen. Perusing a copy of the play
beforehand, or even a plot summary, may be advised.
Bay Colony
Shakespeare Company doesn't slight the wonder and romance of the work's plot.
And miracles do happen on stage.
(The Bay Colony Shakespeare Company presents two of Shakespeare’s most magical plays, "The Winter's Tale" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in repertory in Plymouth starting through Aug. 2. For dates and tickets see http://www.baycolonyshakespeare.org/)
(The Bay Colony Shakespeare Company presents two of Shakespeare’s most magical plays, "The Winter's Tale" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in repertory in Plymouth starting through Aug. 2. For dates and tickets see http://www.baycolonyshakespeare.org/)
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