Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Garden of the Seasons: The Daylilies Wear Us Out, But Beautifully

Every Day

there is one of you,

born anew 

Each as beautiful as the day before 

Everyday as the day wears out,

one less bloom to look forward too

Every day that passes is one less day for you

and for us too.

Good Morning, Morning Glories

We say it each good morning 

Greeting 'glory' in the morning 

It's glory in the morning to greet the Morning Glories 

Every day your stories are pretty much the same 

You're with us in the morning, and gone from us at noon

I like your working hours!, see you again real soon

Second Life Clematis

Second generation, you're smaller than the first. 

Just because you're second, doesn't mean you're worse 

The first guys, well they're big and bright, 

and took the princely share of all that's best, 

the water and the light 

But we don't look upon you

as something worse for wear 

We're delighted by your visit,

It's a miracle you're there!

Group Photo

So what's it like living so close together?

Don't you want your own nests, like birds of a feather?

I see yarrow tufted white, while blue balloons expand in upward flight 

Still other plants flower, some with black eyes,

mingling skyward, each one of the guys

No one's too little, no one's on top

Just a hunger for living, to go till they stop.

 Big Family

In the album of July, many flowers live their days

Often many lilies share their day, it's comfy in a kinship way

All these Hemerocallis blooms opened on a single day   

They swallowed sunshine, sniffed some air 

But just one day?

Some things don't seem fair!

Scarlet Women?

Or are they "dandies" dressed to show

what some dudes get up to 

some people never need to know?

I suppose I am deluded 

to see them in the style of us.

They're just being beautiful --

no need to make a fuss.

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